PERTinent Updates Issue 32
October 1, 2020
PERTinent UpdatesIssue 33
December 1, 2020We are pleased to share with our friends and colleagues across the globe that: THE NATIONAL PERT CONSORTIUM HAS SUCCESSFULLY ENTERED 4000 UNIQUE PATIENTS INTO THE PERT CONSORTIUM QUALITY DATABASE.
This is an incredible milestone and demonstrates a clear commitment from our members to advance the care of patients with Pulmonary Embolism.
We are grateful to our member sites for their support of this project and to the Boston Clinical Research Institute (BCRI) for their ongoing partnership in support of this endeavor.
We would also like to thank our corporate sponsors who have supported the database and have committed to its long-term success.
We will be sharing a first ever preliminary report on the current findings of the database based on the first 3500 pts at our 6th Annual Meeting on Saturday October 24th, from 10:00-11:00AM (ET).
Please register for the 6th Annual Pulmonary Embolism Symposium: A Virtual Event on October 23-24th.
Robert Lookstein MD MHCDL
PERT Consortium