A PERT’s initial 20 month experience treating 87 patients with submassive and massive pulmonary embolism.
December 21, 2017
PERTinent Updates:Issue 9
January 8, 2018On behalf of the PERT Executive Committee and Board of Directors, we would like to congratulate the new committee chairs, who will begin their terms as of January 1, 2018.
The PERT Consortium bylaws indicate that individuals may not serve concurrently as a member of the Board of Directors and chair of a committee. Accordingly, current committee chairs who were elected last June to serve on the Board of Directors have been transitioning the leadership of their committees to new chairs. At this time, we are ready to hand over the torch, so to speak, to the new committee chairs.
The new Committee Chairs are listed below:
- Communications: Aaron Weinberg, Alison Witkin
- Governance: Seth Sokol, Tom Todoran
- Protocols: Michael McDaniel, Belinda Rivera-Lebron
- Research: Geoff Barnes, Gustavo Heresi
- Education: James Benenati, Oren Friedman
The Board would like to welcome these new chairs. We are excited about the high level of commitment of these individuals to the PERT Consortium, and confident that they will carry on with the same enthusiasm and drive that has gotten the organization to this point. Their task will be to complete current initiatives, as well as create new projects that will advance the mission of the Consortium…to improve outcomes for patients with PE.The Board would also like to express sincere gratitude to the outgoing committee chairs for their vision, as well as their hard work, time, energy, and persistence. The committees have all made tremendous progress over the past two years, and this is clearly due to the phenomenal work of our prior chairs – as well as that of each and every committee member. THANK YOU! for your dedication and efforts to help launch the Consortium and enable it to achieve such phenomenal success in such a short time.
Moving forward, we all recognize that the true “work” of the Consortium depends highly on the incredible ongoing efforts of the committees and their members. We appreciate your continued participation, ideas, and commitment to helping all of us achieve the goals of the Consortium.
Again, please join us in welcoming our new committee chairs and, as always, if you are interested in joining a committee or perhaps, an additional committee, please let us know.