Committee work is the lifeblood of The PERT Consortium™ and is the venue in which vital decisions are made that guide Consortium direction and initiatives. Currently, The Consortium is comprised of the following Committees: Clinical Protocols, Communications, Database, Development, Education, Finance, Governance, Membership, and Research. Participation in all committees, except for Finance and Government, is welcomed and encouraged by all PERT Consortium™ members. New members are invited to join on a rolling basis.
Committee Chair: Parth Rali, MD
The Clinical Protocols Committee is focused on standardizing PE clinical care. This includes guidelines for all stages of PE including early diagnostics, management and treatment, and post-PE follow up. The committee hosts an online library that includes the clinical algorithms, references of high-impact clinical trials, and a collection of clinical cases/patient vignettes.
Committee Chair: James Horowitz, MD
The Communications Committee broadcasts the activities of The Consortium’s international collaboration to the medical community, patients, public, and industry partners. It oversees maintenance of The Consortium website, develops branding strategy across social media platforms, and leads the annual Fellows’ Course.
Committee Chair: Robert Lookstein, MD
The Database Committee works closely with the Research Committee and oversees The PERT Consortium™ Quality Database. It manages the onboarding process, revisions to data elements, and relations with active institutions. Members of this committee also serve as the point of contact for answering database questions from prospective and active institutions.
Committee Chair: Michelle Lanno
The Development Committee establishes and maintains relationships with industry partners to promote the educational objectives and generate financial support for Consortium meetings and programs. The Committee works with the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, and other Consortium committees, to develop revenue goals and budgets for annual meetings and all activities that require funding.
Committee Chair: Bushra Mina, MD
The Education Committee develops and promotes educational initiatives and programs with a goal to increase awareness and knowledge in the areas of PE prevention, treatment, and management. Programs are designed to engage providers, patients, the public, and industry partners. This committee is responsible for the monthly content sent to all PERT members in the PERTinent Updates.
Committee Chair: Eric Lehr, MD
The Finance Committee monitors the financial affairs of The PERT Consortium™, recommends the budget, and provides opinions concerning budget requests to the Board of Directors. Participation on the Finance Committee is subject to approval from the Executive Committee.
Committee Chair: Geno Merli, MD
The Governance Committee guides the development, success, and integrity of The PERT Consortium™ by establishing its organizational structure, bylaws, and protecting its identity. Participation on the Governance Committee is subject to approval from the Executive Committee.
Committee Chair: Kenneth Rosenfield, MD
The Membership Committee determines the structure and benefits of membership in The PERT Consortium™. The committee seeks to engage members to ensure participation adds value to The Consortium’s diverse population. It is responsible for assessing the structure of dues and providing essential resources to members.
Committee Chair: Eric Secemsky, MD
The Research Committee works closely with the Database Committee and is responsible for coordinating the collaborative research efforts of PERT Consortium™ members. This includes the creation of a registry describing the assessment, treatment and outcomes of patients cared for by PERTs across the United States. The Research Committee coordinates multicenter clinical trials, population and health policy analyses, outcome studies, surveys, and translational research. The Research Committee also facilitates collaboration among PERT Consortium™ members, both domestic and international, as well as data collection, analysis, presentation, and publication.